Who Can Benefit From This New Technology? What Hair Types Can It Be Used On? Can It Replace My Other Styling Tools?

Everyone! It doesn't matter your age or ethnicity.

It can be used on all these hair types:

  • Extremely Curly
  • Jet Straight
  • Fine Hair
  • Coarse Hair
  • Short Hair
  • Even Hair Extensions/Weave! (As long as they are made of human hair)

Get YOUR InStyler Rotating Hot Iron Here, While Supplies Last At This Incredible Price!

Have you ever been to the beauty salon or a professional photo shoot where a stylist did your hair and it looked absolutely amazing?

You went home and tried to copy their technique only to come out with sub par results. You tried teasing your hair only to create even more snarls in it.

What the stylist knew that you didn't was a technique called overdirecting/overdirection.

Overdirection is a styling method that results in your hair looking fuller with more body and height. If you have thin or short hair, you will love this hair style.

You can create this hair style with the InStyler.

Start with the barrel underneath the root of your hair and the comb on top. Instead of moving down the hair, you are going to move the barrel toward the center of your head.

Grab the end/tips of the section of hair that you are overdirecting and pull them tight towards opposite direction of the barrel for a more dramatic effect.

Hold for 3-5 seconds.

Slowly move the barrel from center of head throughout hair and to the ends.

For Extremely Curly or Coarse Hair

To straighten hair, follow these directions.

Starting from the back of head to the front, part hair into 2-3" section. Put hair into the barrel near scalp, being careful not to burn your head.

Make sure the brush is on top. Gently slide the barrel down hair to the ends with one swift motion.

To straighten the root, take a 1/2 inch section of hair that is not longer than the cylinder, and hold it tight with your free hand away from scalp.

Close the barrel to start rotation. Instead of inserting hair into cylinder, slowly stroke the top of hair, starting at the root, and down a few inches.

Put the cylinder underneath root of hair as well. Repeat until roots are smooth.

Then, put that same section of hair into the barrel, let go of the hand that is holding the end of the section, and glide the barrel down hair and through the tips.

This is the only hair iron that can straighten the roots of hair without leaving a crease.

Get YOUR InStyler Rotating Hot Iron Here, While Supplies Last At This Incredible Price!