How Does it Work? What Makes It Work?

This is a totally new straightening and styling tool. There is not a single hair styling product like it in the beauty industry.

The big difference between most flat irons in the hair care industry and the InStyler is its secret computerized rotation mechanism.

It is composed of a steel cylinder that heats up and polishes hair - and a brush. The brush contains four rows of bristles that are precisely and accurately aligned to give your hair the best results possible.

When you put your hair into the barrel, the first set of bristles on the brush, separate your hair strands. When you close it over your hair, the rotating cylinder gently moves through your hair. Each individual hair strand gets polished and straightened.

Then, the second set of bristles puts extra shine on your hair, leaving it soft to the touch. It's like magic!

The most exciting part of using the it is that it makes your hair smooth and straight without any damage. Unlike other hair tools and irons, it does not tightly hold your hair hostage between two ceramic plates and put excessive heat on hair which can cause a lot of damage.

The reason it doesn't damage your hair is because it doesn't need to use as much heat like other hair tools do. The rotation of the steel cylinder along with the perfect amount of heat, polishes and straightens hair strands perfectly.

Your hair will have more body and shine than you could have ever hoped for!

It does more to your hair than any styling tool on the market. If you have limp hair you can make it look much fuller at the root and add some curls. It works on extremely coarse hair. It will give thick, coarse hair body and style, unlike traditional flat irons that make hair flat and lifeless.

Get YOUR InStyler Rotating Hot Iron Here, While Supplies Last At This Incredible Price!